Jinn Mental Illness Black Magic

“Jinn or Mental Illness”, due to historical background, there wasn’t a subject “psychology” and as it appeared later centuries ago. Back in times, mental health or mental illness behaviors were considered to be as affected by Jinn possession. 

Even time of 21st century, yet in many Arab and Eastern countries still people perform rituals.  They consider those rituals as Jinn possession and perform their rituals and customs to remove the paranormal entity out of body. That controls the brain and operate in abnormal malfunctioning of body system.

There is not doubt, Allah warns and informs that such a being exists before us and will be within us till the day of Qiyamah. 

Among Muslim patients, a common cultural concept of distress is the notion that jinn may be the cause of mental health problems, especially in the presence of hallucinations.

Jinn Possession And Mental Illness In Islam

This is very unfortunate, among the Muslim world, majority Muslim scholar are un academically qualified in psychology and Islam. Both fields to go through mental evaluation session to determine the reason. Either it could be physically medically, mental health issues or it can be spiritually controlled by evil entity. That is the main factor of abnormal behavior.

Both sides of the conclusions are similar to each other and similar symptoms on both, and there is no way any un academic Muslim scholar could identify that easily, unless qualified in Psychology and Islamic. 

Accordingly, spirit possession is a culturally specific way of displaying symptoms of psychosis, dissociation, social anxiety, etc. and is a fairly global idiom of distress.

Those with Jinn-related possession appear to suffer from intense fear, psychological disorders, depression, anxiety. 

Furthermore, physical sickness, hallucinations, creating animosity between individuals, couples, friends also appear. In addition to sexual problems and causing damage to material possessions, hysteria, mania, Tourette syndrome, epilepsy, schizophrenia or dissociative identity disorder.

All these behaviors may be interpreted as symptoms of various mental disorders. 

This is where the lines get blurry between mental health and Jinn-related issues, particularly with psychosis, schizophrenia and bipolar because the symptoms of these mental health disorders may correlate with some of the characteristics of a Jinn possession such as hearing voices, seeing things, being paranoid, doing random out of character things and having irregular mood swings.

For example, there are similarities between the clinical symptoms of schizophrenia and Jinn possession. 

Common Symptoms

The common symptoms in schizophrenia and Jinn possession include hallucinations, delusions and bizarre behaviors.

Coming to this point, Jinn and mental health should be seen as two worlds, disassociating factors that include similar symptoms.

The Muslims due to lack of education and ignorance or sources with limitation of reach-out, falls in the hands of corrupted Imams, Peers, Buzurgs, Raqis etc. 

Any education Muslims would approach academic qualified Muslim scholars that special in both fields to identity the factors. It is either mental health defect or its supernatural entity involve in personality dual characters in one person.

Muslims are required to approach professionals in both fields. Please note it is not a simple answer, as both have similar symptoms and effects, and that requires an evaluation session.

 As the professional, has to evaluation using list of questions and going to discussions. The majority doesn’t care to live with it; it is ok. 

Do note, living a life, not only affects individuals, but also affects others and surrounds, in family. It could move on through sexual relationships, genetically moves to next generations. It also causes the same to move to next generation.

Save yourself from going to corrupted so-called scholars, imams, raqis, buzurgs, peers, babas and get proper academic evaluation. It is  to determine the causes behind distress in your life and get proper counseling and evaluation.  After that,  move to treatment either medically or through Ruqyah services. The consultation can bring a change in your life. Insha’Allah


This matter has caused a lot of disturbance and confusion among Muslims to know, how to do Ruqyah according to Sunnah.

 Please note, majority use the help of Shayateen to remove one from affected patient; some use Taweez (amulet), some use special rituals, customs, wazifas and against Sunnah and shaitans use this technique to remove your faith from Quran and Sunnah towards Wazifas. 

Majority use Quran and distort and reorganize and recite, it is Bidah, rejected by Traditions of Sunnah. Distorting Quran is part of shaitan’s plan to misuse it and do it in the wrong way.


Please note, there is sucha thing called “Wazifa” in Islam. It was invented by Sufism religion, a special practiced use of Duas and verses and reorganize, distort and repeat so and so many times, prescribed by some peer, baba, imam, maulana, buzurg Etc.


Recite a word or verse in prescribed number is Bidah that is against the teachings of Prophet ﷺ and it pleases shaitan.


Stick to Quran
Stick to Sunnah, Sahih Hadith

When a human gets a sick, he approaches doctor to get test and get medicine, similarly in this situation of paranormal effects in life.

 it is obligated not to risk your own life or others for sake of saving money, but get your self tested. If you feel something wrong in the matters of marriage, job, business loss, anxiety, bad dreams. i

In addition to that , see dead people, see black in dreams, black dog, needles hitting your body in dreams, mood twist. Furthermore, memory problem, dizzy, lazy, divorce, break someone taweez, break black magic, how to break if someone spelled on you, get scare in dreams, husband wife fights, miscarriage, seeing shadows in dreams.

Additionally, shadows follows you, black dogs runs after you in dreams, back pain, hallucination, depression, irregular menses, goose bumps.   

Moreover, feeling heavy while sleeping, doing feel like praying Salah, feel sleepy in reciting Quran, paranormal activity at home or in body.

 In addition to  that, feel something in heart, feel pressure in heart, no desire in sex with wife/husband, relative or friend Hassad evil eye, extreme anger with husband or wife, Etc. Please contact us for further inquiries.


Use the method prescribed by the Prophet ﷺ. Also refer to a book authored to help to cure your self by the title “Taqwa Islah Ruqyah” by Dr. Ammaar Saeed. You can order this book by donation of $10 and get an e-copy in pdf right away. The book has also been sold worldwide, and many have taken advantage and healed by following accordingly in the book.


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